Sizzling-Hot Guide to Cold Sales Emails

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Your quintessential cold email playbook has arrived. Get schooled on the basics, like choosing a killer subject line and following specific sales email frameworks (AIDA? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. PPP? Praise, picture, push). But also take a closer look at considerations you might have glossed over, like a memorable closing line and actionable email signature. As much attention goes into starting off a sales email right, give that same thought to how you end it. From top to bottom, this PDF covers all the best practices for cold sales emails.

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you should read this ebook if...

  • You're new to cold emailing and need a step-by-step kind of guide
  • You've started your outbound journey and and wonder how you can get people to open sales emails at all
  • You're familiar with and done some cold emailing, but you aren't seeing great results and want to improve your fundamental email strategy

about this ebook

“Cold email” shouldn’t be a description of your tone when reaching out to prospects unannounced—it’s just that they haven’t had an opportunity to warm up to you yet. It’s important to break the ice with creativity and purpose. Each part of the cold email should be carefully crafted, play into an overall strategy, and remain consistent throughout in terms of tone and messaging. The trickiest part of your email, and the longest, will be the body copy. There are several approaches to take here, all of which serve to pass the baton from sentence to sentence, and keep your prospect reading and engaged until your closing line.

Your quintessential cold email playbook has arrived. Get schooled on the basics, like choosing a killer subject line and following specific sales email frameworks (AIDA? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. PPP? Praise, picture, push). But also take a closer look at considerations you might have glossed over, like a memorable closing line and actionable email signature. As much attention goes into starting off a sales email right, give that same thought to how you end it. From top to bottom, this PDF covers all the best practices for cold sales emails.

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Key insights

“Cold email” shouldn’t be a description of your tone when reaching out to prospects unannounced—it’s just that they haven’t had an opportunity to warm up to you yet. It’s important to break the ice with creativity and purpose. Each part of the cold email should be carefully crafted, play into an overall strategy, and remain consistent throughout in terms of tone and messaging. The trickiest part of your email, and the longest, will be the body copy. There are several approaches to take here, all of which serve to pass the baton from sentence to sentence, and keep your prospect reading and engaged until your closing line.

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Sizzling-Hot Guide to Cold Sales Emails
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Mekkie Bansil
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What we loved:

This free ebook on writing a cold email doesn’t make any assumptions about what we know or don’t know. (That means less possibility of screwing things up).

What we didn't love:

There’s cold email follow-up strategies for when cold emails fail, but no advice for when a prospect replies favorably


Like the cold email writing advice in the ebook, this free ebook is short and sweet. It breaks down the parts of a cold email, covers cold email mistakes and even throws in a few follow-up strategies for when cold emails go wrong. Normally, we might balk at the idea of positively regarding expert advice thrown in at the end, but this ebook is so chock full of templates for cold emails that we’re not sure where else they could go.

31 pages
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