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SaaS Sales for Startup Founders

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As a SaaS startup founder, sales will be front of mind. Naturally, you're wondering how to sell your SaaS product and get an initial revenue stream going. Or maybe you'd like to figure out how startups get sales at all — if the product is low on features, how do you score your first paying customers? This ebook is a comprehensive look at startup sales strategy and a full guide to hiring your startup sales team. Go from winning your first 10 or 20 B2B clients to hiring 2 or 3 sales reps and building customer lifetime value.

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With or without a sales team, your SaaS startup isn’t selling features. You aren't even really selling your product. You're selling a solution, and using it as your entry point to form a buyer relationship. Understand your prospects’ problems and offer to solve them better than anyone else can. This can be effective even when you haven't built out the features. But it means you or your sales team can't approach these deals as purely transactional. You're selling the client on how valuable you can be to their organization, its customers and its bottom line. Position your startup or product as helpful, desirable, and above all, more than worth the price of admission.

As a SaaS startup founder, sales will be front of mind. Naturally, you're wondering how to sell your SaaS product and get an initial revenue stream going. Or maybe you'd like to figure out how startups get sales at all — if the product is low on features, how do you score your first paying customers? This ebook is a comprehensive look at startup sales strategy and a full guide to hiring your startup sales team. Go from winning your first 10 or 20 B2B clients to hiring 2 or 3 sales reps and building customer lifetime value.

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Key insights

With or without a sales team, your SaaS startup isn’t selling features. You aren't even really selling your product. You're selling a solution, and using it as your entry point to form a buyer relationship. Understand your prospects’ problems and offer to solve them better than anyone else can. This can be effective even when you haven't built out the features. But it means you or your sales team can't approach these deals as purely transactional. You're selling the client on how valuable you can be to their organization, its customers and its bottom line. Position your startup or product as helpful, desirable, and above all, more than worth the price of admission.

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As our sales team grows, how can we keep everyone aligned around the message while still testing different pitches?

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What we loved:

The first person narrative style coupled with references to external sources. Much like the sales advice within, this book knows its value and isn’t afraid to yell it at you (with proof)


This free business book is an actual book. Buckle up and prepare to be educated on SaaS startup sales. The book covers every—single—thing a startup founder needs to know about SaaS sales, often to a level of overwhelming detail. It’s not an enjoyable read (there are some very uncomfortable truths candidly stated), but it’s one the fearful startup founder will greatly benefit from.

160 pages
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