9 Secret Elements of Highly Successful Sales Conversations

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For an effective sales conversation, you don’t need to embody all the best qualities of a good salesperson. You just need to understand which elements of a sales call lead to a deal. Consider this your step-by-step, data-backed guide to increasing sales. Discover what makes a sales rep successful on their calls, the techniques that close, and the best ways to improve sales team performance.

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Gong is in a unique position to pour over 1,000,000+ sales conversations and return with insights only they could pull off. Like the fact the highest performing sales reps don't bring up price until 40 minutes into a call (to prevent cost from establishing itself as a barrier in a prospect's mind), but mention competition early (to get them off the prospect's mind ASAP). Or that they're speaking for less than 50% of a call. But most dazzlingly, there's a single sales call tactic that improves your chance of closing a deal by more than 250%: having one call that includes you, the prospect, and another representative from your company.

For an effective sales conversation, you don’t need to embody all the best qualities of a good salesperson. You just need to understand which elements of a sales call lead to a deal. Consider this your step-by-step, data-backed guide to increasing sales. Discover what makes a sales rep successful on their calls, the techniques that close, and the best ways to improve sales team performance.

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Key insights

Gong is in a unique position to pour over 1,000,000+ sales conversations and return with insights only they could pull off. Like the fact the highest performing sales reps don't bring up price until 40 minutes into a call (to prevent cost from establishing itself as a barrier in a prospect's mind), but mention competition early (to get them off the prospect's mind ASAP). Or that they're speaking for less than 50% of a call. But most dazzlingly, there's a single sales call tactic that improves your chance of closing a deal by more than 250%: having one call that includes you, the prospect, and another representative from your company.

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9 Secret Elements of Highly Successful Sales Conversations
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Mekkie Bansil
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What we loved:

This free business book on effective sales conversations has so much data that it’s practically a data report. Granted, all the data comes from Gong’s own Sales calls, but nothing gives weight to insights like some hard data.

What we didn't love:

While the advice is actionable and there is a checklist at the end, we would have loved to see some snippets of actual sales conversations (or even made up ones) to give the insights greater context.


Gong’s free guide is page after page of beautifully-designed charts and graphs that weigh in on everything that could affect the outcome of a sales conversation. From talking speed to language, there are quite a few things you probably didn’t know. For the things you did know (sell value, not features), it never hurts to have some extra data to back it up.

18 pages
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