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The Key to Remote Recruiting: Your Guide to Creating Engaging Virtual Experiences That Attract Top Talent

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A great candidate experience in 2022 is synonymous with virtual recruitment. Your remote candidate experiences should be just as engaging, memorable, inclusive, and productive as your IRL ones. Maybe even more, with the assistance of new technologies. Your remote recruiting strategies could have used a revamp yesterday, but you can start today with this free recruiting book. Take a closer look at what’s most important to your remote candidates and learn to host an incredible virtual recruiting event for them. Earn loyalty, avoid candidate drop off, and win over top talent wherever they may be.

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you should read this ebook if...

  • You are a recruiting coordinator, hiring manager, or otherwise in charge of recruitment strategy for your org
  • You'd like to improve your remote candidate experience
  • You want creative recruiting ideas to attract and engage your remote candidates
  • You've hosted virtual recruitment events before but feel they could be more memorable and effective

about this ebook

Why is the candidate experience important?

  • Candidate recruitment is more competitive than ever. And applicants more discerning. If you don’t capture their attention right out of the gate, you’re at a disadvantage.
  • First impressions matter. Experiences during recruitment (and interviewing, and onboarding) reflect what your candidates can expect as an employee of your company. They’ll note a lackluster offer, remember every broken promise, and begrudge any slight at a time when you should realistically be showing off only your best.
  • The talent pool isn’t as big as you think. Word of mouth carries. Reputations stick. A few poor experiences can ripple outward and cost you not only current applicants, but future ones, too. A great experience on the other hand can win loyalty, recommendations, and free good press.

Try creative recruiting ideas to improve your candidate experience in 2022

  • Your ultimate goal will be attracting and retaining top talent. That starts with laying the foundation for a lasting relationship — impressing and inspiring each of your prospects.
  • Always add a personalized, human touch to whatever...

A great candidate experience in 2022 is synonymous with virtual recruitment. Your remote candidate experiences should be just as engaging, memorable, inclusive, and productive as your IRL ones. Maybe even more, with the assistance of new technologies. Your remote recruiting strategies could have used a revamp yesterday, but you can start today with this free recruiting book. Take a closer look at what’s most important to your remote candidates and learn to host an incredible virtual recruiting event for them. Earn loyalty, avoid candidate drop off, and win over top talent wherever they may be.

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Key insights

Why is the candidate experience important?

  • Candidate recruitment is more competitive than ever. And applicants more discerning. If you don’t capture their attention right out of the gate, you’re at a disadvantage.
  • First impressions matter. Experiences during recruitment (and interviewing, and onboarding) reflect what your candidates can expect as an employee of your company. They’ll note a lackluster offer, remember every broken promise, and begrudge any slight at a time when you should realistically be showing off only your best.
  • The talent pool isn’t as big as you think. Word of mouth carries. Reputations stick. A few poor experiences can ripple outward and cost you not only current applicants, but future ones, too. A great experience on the other hand can win loyalty, recommendations, and free good press.

Try creative recruiting ideas to improve your candidate experience in 2022

  • Your ultimate goal will be attracting and retaining top talent. That starts with laying the foundation for a lasting relationship — impressing and inspiring each of your prospects.
  • Always add a personalized, human touch to whatever...
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The Key to Remote Recruiting: Your Guide to Creating Engaging Virtual Experiences That Attract Top Talent
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The Key to Remote Recruiting: Your Guide to Creating Engaging Virtual Experiences That Attract Top Talent
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Alissa Pagano
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What we loved:

Plenty of supporting data, illustrative case studies, and a candidate-centric tone really grounds this recruiting book. It isn't a play by play manual on running a virtual recruitment event (you'll have to figure out the nitty gritty details on your own). Rather, this is an ebook meant to inform, persuade, and make sure you understand why a remote event can improve your candidate experience. It does what it sets out to do.

What we didn't love:

Parts of this ebook feel slightly repetitive — even the excellent case studies are back to back, which highlights (but doesn't do anything productive with) all the similarities between the two. And while we do like the existing angle, we still would have loved to see more directives on What to do, How to get it done, and What not to do. There's always room to incorporate a little more instruction.


So who’s this book for? OK, that one’s easy: recruiters and talent coordinators.

But what exactly can you expect?

If you’re looking for info on the future of work and recruitment – in broad strokes – you’d best look elsewhere.

There’s a brief bird’s eye look at new hiring (and employee life cycle) trends, but this is a specialist recruiting book. Use it as a reference guide for planning your own remote events.

Or you can use it to examine and shift how you think about virtual experiences. Check your biases.

Do you consider a remote recruiting event “less than” an in-person career fair? Less impactful for your bottom line; less useful for hiring goals; less effective for networking and filling your talent pool?

That will shine through in the end product. And it’ll show to your remote applicants. Why would they trust your brand or consider moving forward with your organization when you seem to consider your remote workforce second class citizens?

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for a book about remote recruitment events! But at its core, this book is a close examination of a memorable, productive virtual career fair. A floor by floor breakdown through the eyes of curious, engaged participants.

Candidate and employee experience matters more than ever. When you put that first and foremost, the rest will fall into place.

But you’re not gonna pull off a successful remote hiring event, like the ones outlined here, without a healthy dose of respect and managerial thoughtfulness. And that’s what this recruiting ebook can help you center on.

29 pages
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The Key to Remote Recruiting: Your Guide to Creating Engaging Virtual Experiences That Attract Top Talent
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